R asreml multicore
R asreml multicore

Inst/doc/integration_shiny.html | 97 +++++. PSAR-SL - DR Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes - INSEE ,ĭiff between oceanis versions 1.0.0 dated and 1.0.1 dated Sophie AUDRIC - PSAR-AT - DR Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur - INSEE , Create frozen maps with the possibility to add labels.Īuthor: Sébastien CALVET - PSAR-AT - DR Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur - INSEE , Create interactive maps through zoom and pop-up ('leaflet' technology). Create maps in a web environment where the parameters are modifiable on the fly ('shiny' and 'leaflet' technology). Some functions use 'shiny' or 'leaflet' technologies for dynamism and interactivity. Title: Cartography for Statistical Analysisĭescription: Creating maps for statistical analysis such as proportional circles, chroropleth, typology and flows. Package oceanis updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated More information about TestDesign at CRAN See vignette for installing 'Rsymphony' packageĭiff between TestDesign versions 0.2.2 dated and 0.2.3 dated Mixed-integer programming (MIP) solver packages: 'Rsymphony', 'gurobi', 'lpSolve', and 'Rglpk'. Van der Linden (2018) in constructing fixed and adaptive tests. Title: Optimal Test Design Approach to Fixed and Adaptive Testĭescription: Use the optimal test design approach by Birnbaum (1968, ISBN:9781593119348) and Package TestDesign updated to version 0.2.3 with previous version 0.2.2 dated TITAN2-2.3/TITAN2/vignettes/titan2-intro.html |onlyĥ4 files changed, 1714 insertions(+), 1877 deletions(-) TITAN2-2.3/TITAN2/vignettes/titan2-intro.Rmd |only TITAN2-2.3/TITAN2/man/plot_taxa_ridges.Rd |only TITAN2-2.3/TITAN2/man/plot_sumz_density.Rd |only TITAN2-2.3/TITAN2/inst/doc/titan2-intro.pdf |only TITAN2-2.3/TITAN2/inst/doc/titan2-intro.Rmd |only TITAN2-2.3/TITAN2/inst/doc/titan2-intro.R |only TITAN2-2.3/TITAN2/build/vignette.rds |binary TITAN2-2.3/TITAN2/R/plot_taxa_ridges.R |only TITAN2-2.3/TITAN2/R/plot_sumz_density.R |only Freshwater Science 32(2):489-506.ĭiff between TITAN2 versions 2.1 dated and 2.3 dated Of TITAN and straw men: an appeal for greater Of the North American Benthological Association 29(3):998-1008. Identifying and interpreting ecological community thresholds.

r asreml multicore

Methods in Ecology andĮvolution 1(1): 25:37. A new method for detecting and interpretingīiodiversity and ecological community thresholds. Package TITAN2 updated to version 2.3 with previous version 2.1 dated ĭescription: Uses indicator species scores across binary partitions ofĪ sample set to detect congruence in taxon-specific changes of abundanceĪnd occurrence frequency along an environmental gradient as evidence ofĪn ecological community threshold.

R asreml multicore